Saturday 9 January 2016


This is a 1/144 scale Minicraft kit of the Boeing B-377 Stratocruiser long-haul airliner developed at the end of WWII, and used by United Airlines on their Hawaii run for a few years until economics forced the removal of the very expensive beasts. All spark plugs had to be replaced every 100 operating hours. The aircraft featured two decks and pullman berths for sleeping, and was possibly the first aircraft to have a television set in the lounge. The aircraft continued in use with the US air force as an airborne fuel tanker, and also with the Israelis, neither of which had to face economic realities.
The kit is painted with Alclad aluminium airgun spray paint. The hardest part was getting the decals to wrap around the hemispherical nose section.

Boeing B-377 Stratocruiser

Boeing B-377 Stratocruiser
A real one...

Boeing B-377 Stratocruiser