Tuesday 17 March 2020


This HMS VICTORY cross-section model project began in early 2017 with a 1:200 scale wooden kit from an unnamed company in China. It appeared in this blog as a work-in-progress in May 2017. Three years later it is finally finished. The finish took one week, so it sat untouched for about three years taunting me.

This is a cross-section of the famous sailing battleship commanded by Admiral Nelson and victorious at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. It is preserved as a national treasure at the Royal Navy Yard in Portsmouth. I first visited the ship in 1977.

What made the build so very difficult is that the box mailed from China did not have the instruction sheets in it. So everything is a guess based on photos of the real thing and of professional models of the Victory. It is an all-wood kit. Only the gun barrels are brass. The kit costs about $30. There are several parts remaining and without plans I have no idea what they might be used for! Most of the paint is Vallejo, with some yellow from Tamiya.

under construction at Chatham Dockyard,
which just happens to be in my spare bathroom